
I haven’t fully set a schedule on how often I am going to make a blog post. I suppose it’ll be when I hear a topic that triggers me, something suggested or some sort of conspiracy and my thoughts towards them. Today I had a disagreement with a friend on the meaning of family. I personally do not know a lot of my blood relatives, only a selected few. One of the main reasons being because I don’t live in the same country as them. However, this shouldn’t necessarily be an immense border, with all the technology we have now it is not that difficult to contact someone.

Our disagreement was based on what we consider family. I had told him that family for me are the people who have truly been there for me, whether we are blood-related or not. This triggered him a bit and said: “so if one of your relatives were to stop by you wouldn’t treat them like family”. Which I replied with ” If this person were to come by, I’m not going to shut the door, especially if they need help. But I’m also not going to be fake and say how much I’ve missed them when I don’t even truly know”. He was flabbergasted by what I had just told him, so I continued with telling him that family and love shouldn’t be titles to be tossed around with no meaning. It is something that is earned, exactly like respect. I will respect them as long as they respect those who I care for. I will truly consider someone family as long as that is the relationship we truly have with each other. I understand that everyone has different perspectives on this but this is my personal opinion and what I’ve come to realize. I grew up mainly with my immediate family. My friend was raised with his entire family, seeing his grandparents cousins etc. on special occasions. Because of this we see things differently and have a different meaning as a whole. What do you guys believe?

Who Am I ?

My name isn’t important, neither is my gender, culture, religion, or anything that puts people in social groups or hierarchies. I wanted to start this blog mainly to get things off my chest, but without the general attention of people from my everyday life. I want to be able to discuss things both personal and not, without being questioned, and feel a need to put a filter. I am not a huge fan of social media. Yes, I have Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat but that does not mean I use them. In fact, I find them quite … damaging. People use them to be validated by others or proceed to rank their fellow followers. It has become such a norm to humanity that if an individual doesn’t post on Christmas or their birthday, this MUST mean something is wrong. This could lead them to think that, ‘oh they must have had a bad Christmas’, or ‘maybe they didn’t go out with anyone’. Social media is now seen as a need. Everyone must have an account, follow certain people, post certain things. But it’s not because they want to, rather than simply let other people know what they’re up to and portray their image in a certain way. This is why I decided to make a blog, so I can freely speak about what’s going on without actually drawing attention toward myself. So to end off the first post I am a female that is nineteen years of age, and I am not a writer, but this is how I am choosing to express myself.